Yeap…this title may sound a bit redundant, but that’s exactly the meaning of it. A few weeks ago, I had the chance to speak with someone I admire for her work and the dedication she puts into everything she does, even the attention she gives to an email. Actually…I’ve never met her in person, but this is how it happened:In a moment where I was kind of frustrated, I decided to send an email to a site where… well, it’s a fanpage that connects bloggers and promotes their work. In this email I send my doubts and some other concerns about what I really wanted to do in the subject. And -yes, I admit that I just vent- But! I didn’t even imagine who was about to answer in a matter of minutes. That was Erika Tamaura, she works in Arts Management, promoting culture, blogger, journalist and well.. I’m being brief. She gave me some valuable advices and took the time to answer my comments in a very personal way.

It is thanks to her, that I started to write again, and took the chance to start this new project. Till last year, I used to write at another blog, it was a different concept, but at the end, it didn’t quite convinced myself. Writing is one of my passions, and that feeling started to fade with that past project. However, that’s what this is about; learning from our mistakes and take those memories that maybe, weren’t all good, but it teaches us something. In my own case, I learned my lesson. Letting go, when you know it is just not working, letting go when you just start losing that feeling that made you start at first.

It just sounds like a cliché to repeat this kind of phrases, but it is not easy to actually do it and act on it. I even described myself like a frustrated writer or as if I was losing my creativity, and that wasn’t the problem. The thing is…that I was still holding on to something that needed a change, and there’s nothing wrong about it. I’m still on that process of changing, and working on this new project. The most important part here, is to act on it, just start, go ahead and do it. That’s all.

So… Thanks Erika! Listening to your advice and the way you shared some of your own experiences, being that humble, well, it was really helpful; and like you said: -“ You gotta keep up and keep working!”