Every now and then we’re allowed to feel a little down, with less energy or not so delighted. We all have those good days, excellent days, and those that aren’t as nice, or maybe, it’s just me. But hey! If you’ve been there, I hope you enjoy this thoughts I’m sharing today…  

When you’re kind of staying on that not-so-good moment, you’ve got to have (and remember) that «something» which makes you happy. We’ve all got it, or I hope most of us already know what it is. Some people choose a physical activity, or in other cases it can be something more personal, like reading on your favorite couch, walking your dog, taking care of your garden, etc. These are just simple and pretty general examples about that endless list of options or activities that can make us feel calm and quite happy.

Don’t ever allow yourself to lose that something, that “it” moment. Keep it always in you, for you. Do it every time. Don’t ever sacrifice your happiness, nothing’s worth it, and if you let that go, that’s the most risky moment where you just stop full living.

If it truly makes you happy, then, don’t lose it, no matter how small it seems or even if other people think it’s silly, or nonsense. Besides, we are changing and growing human beings, it is totally normal if something you did, started feeling less enjoyable. If so, it is always valid to change or make some modifications, but for that to happen, we must also be honest.

Feeling happy… happiness itself shouldn’t be complicated…

In my case, there are various situations that help me feel better, but even on the hardest moments I’ve found (another) “something” that has helped me stay centered.

That’s dance for me, and I’m really thankful for still being able to finish another year dancing. For this month, standing one more time on stage, not only on theatre but also on the studio. Having that space allows me to recover, generate other energies and for more than 15 years, it still is my full filling activity. It makes me feel happy in a deep and personal way.

There are lots of other activities that comfort me, even people and moments that truly help me feel calm and in peace with myself, and as you might have guess… writing is one of them. Although my purpose here is not to talk about my moments or whatever makes me happy. This post today, pretends to be more like a reminder.

Be happy, be happy where you are… the road might not be as you planned, and this shouldn’t ruin your happiness. I know how complex that sounds and it seems not very easy to apply at the 100% of the everyday lives; but we naturally adapt ourselves, that’s part of who we are.

Keep looking, and if you haven’t find your something/somehow, ask for help. There will always be someone who you can count on and ask them a little reminder about your favorite place, your activity, that moment, that “it” that makes you happy, and that’s going to take you back to feeling calm, happy and in peace.

Life goes too fast, so it’s not fair to pass it by, listening to all this trash and negative sides, which we know can become toxic… Do not let go your present, don’t lose opportunities, don’t underestimate moments and least of all, do not push people away from you, those who you know are important… Time goes by, and it doesn’t comes back.

Enjoy today… For some of us, for me, it’s not that easy, not every time, but there’s this little effort deep down each of us.

Look for your moment, that activity, that someone, that something… find it… or if you’ve already got it, then keep it in your safe place.

Just… live happy… I’ve heard that should be enough…