Every endless possibility starts with a small action
Very recently on Twitter, or at least on my timeline, many stories, comments and even photos of couples appeared telling that one of them was going to do something specific,…
Experiencias y más por Gabriela Ross
Very recently on Twitter, or at least on my timeline, many stories, comments and even photos of couples appeared telling that one of them was going to do something specific,…
Muy recientemente en Twitter, o al menos en mi perfil, aparecieron muchas historias, comentarios y hasta fotos de parejas contando que uno de ellos iba a hacer algo en específico,…
By Marco Ross I appreciate the invitation to contribute to this blog. It is always a commitment when receiving such an invitation, to write and share. Since it challenges from…
Por Marco Ross Agradezco la invitación a colaborar en este blog. Siempre es un compromiso cuando se recibe tal invitación, para escribir y compartir. Ya que desafía desde la búsqueda…
We cannot control our future, although we can work to define a destination and plan it. Being always conscious of the alternatives and everything that could alter our initial plan…
No podemos controlar nuestro futuro, aunque si podemos trabajar para definir un destino y planificarlo. Estando siempre atentos a las variables y todo aquello que pueda alterar en gran o…
We all have different meanings to define the word well or good. But for me, that’s how this diverse city has received me. I’m still getting used to it, changing…
Todos tenemos diferentes sentidos para definir la palabra bien. Pero para mí, bien es, justo como me ha recibido esta ciudad tan… diversa. Me sigo adaptando a cambio de hábitos,…
For her, because this week she receives her last chemo. This is the continuation of the second letter ... You are great, you are strong, and you are light, surrounded…
A ella que esta semana recibe su última quimio. Esta es la continuación de la segunda carta… Eres grande, eres fuerte, y eres luz, rodeada de energía por parte de…